

collaborative crowdsource project created together w/Aigerim Tumenbay. It’s idea based on the concept of cognitive bias. By definition: “a systematic error in thinking that occurs when people are processing information. Frequent result of one’s brain’s attepmt to simplify information processing.”

Background story: Last summer, me and my friend started simultaneously noticing lots of heart shapes everywhere we went. Upon sharing them on social media, we began to receive more pictures from friends and strangers even, so we created a profile on are.na,and lots of people all around the world have contributed improvements to its design and functionality. Our worldwide #opensourcinglove movement, also known as #osl can be followed on instagram. Please visit https://opensourcinglove.com for more info.

OSL zine. Published with a support of British Council, presented in the frame of Styq decentralised city festival. 19 June 2022, Almaty

Metamorphosis, 2022. Video loop, 1 minute 17 seconds. (Open Sourcing Love)
edit: Aigerim Tumenbay
sound art: Anna Kin
The artwork were presented on 9th of October 2022 in Gallery 263,

Cambridge, MA

Shapeshifting pop-up group show & joint performance piece curated by Maya Rubio & Gabi Abrao

Love and Solidarity Weekend was a cycle of events, where we suggested letter writing practice as a form of expressing solidarity and support. The project employs a letter-writing format and the artifact of a letter as a tool for reflection and a symbol of self-love. We believe that writing love letters is an inspiring action capable of motivating people to engage in positive change, especially amidst the challenging times we are experiencing worldwide. We consider it a powerful means to raise awareness about society’s issues and challenges. Through sharing personal stories, insights, and perspectives in these letters, we aspire to document significant shifts in our shared comprehension of the world, raise awareness, and connect with the vibrant energy of individuals contributing to the change toward a more conscious generation.

Our love-solidarity letter writing and recording session, featuring postcard cover images of Open Sourcing Love artworks, took place at the Goethe Institut in Kazakhstan, continued during the Missread Art Book Pre-Fair program in Berlin and concluded at the Neue Nachbarschaft Moabit center, where letters from our workshop were handed to kids from Ukrainian at-risk families.

OpenSourcingLove – Love and Solidarity Workshop, Open Sourcing Love artist collective, Berlin art book fair, organized by Station of Commons, Miss Read x lumbung radio Prefair Program 17-21 September 2023 at Gerichtstrasse 45, Berlin. At this event we suggested love letter writing practices as a form of healing, after we invited participants to recite their letters for a live stream at lumbung radio, here you can listen to some extracts.

We believe that letters written during turbulent times can become valuable historical documents. They provide a personal perspective on events, emotions, and experiences that might not be captured in official records. These letters can serve as primary sources for future generations, helping them understand the impact of these times on individuals and communities. Love & Solidarity Workshop is an emotional journey created to build up a connection with the community where love and solidarity reign.

OpenSourcingLove – Love and Solidarity Workshop hosted by Open Sourcing Love artist collective with the support of the Goethe Institut in Kasachstan, at the Neue Nachbarschaft Moabit center, Berlin
23 Sep 2023